Traffic Meeting 8/22/2000 - St. John's Church

(See also the Berkeley Daily Planet article on this meeting)

This meeting was put together to address the long term traffic concerns of the neighborhoods near the corner of College and Ashby. There has been heightened concern about traffic issues partly due to continually growing traffic in the area. This concern was focused recently by the displacement of traffic due to the just completed College Avenue repaving.

District 8 City Councilmember Polly Armstrong sent out an email notice to people about the meeting. Also in attendance were District 7 City Councilmember Kriss Worthington and City of Berkeley Mayor Shirley Dean. Rene Cardinaux (the Director from the Berkeley Public Works department) ran the meeting. Also a prominent figure in the meeting was the new City of Berkeley Traffic Engineer Jeff Knowles. In attendance were representatives from the Berkeley Police and Fire departments.

The format of the meeting was to have brief presentations by Rene Cardinau (Public Works), Jeff Knowles (Traffic), and from the Police and Fire department representatives. After that the floor was thrown open for comments from the attendees. Rene Cardinau managed the meeting. The room at St. John's was quite full. I would guess that about 50 people were in attendance. Some stood in the hall to participate. There was an attendance list circulated. If somebody can get me any data for public consumption from that list (e.g. how many people actually attended the meeting) I will be happy to post that information.

I took some notes from the meeting and am writing them up from my perspective. I don't make any claims to impartiality - though I do believe I am able to keep a community perspective in mind. I am willing to post any additional notes that anyone sends me in digital format (email preferred).

I will place my comments into rough categories and briefly summarize the points that I remember or took notes on. Here are the categories:

  1. Global perspectives
  2. It's bad, fix it
  3. Equity
  4. Technical fixes
  5. Issues that came up before the meeting
  6. Comments after the meeting
  7. Conclusions

1. Global perspectives

2. It's bad, fix it

3. Equity

4. Technical solutions

5. Issues that came up before the meeting:

6. Comments - notes sent in after the meeting:

7. Conclusions

Contact Jed Donnelley Jed Donnelley for communication about this Web page. I am willing to post changes to this page and/or additions to the TACTC site content - within reason. Last updated 8/23/2000 01:42.