Benvenue/Hillegass Second Traffic Meeting Notes, June 23, 1999

The second meeting was held at the Claremont branch of the Berkeley Library on June 23. The following notes were contributed by Marty Barclay:

Dear neighbors,

Second meeting regarding traffic issues centered @ Benvenue and Hillegass on Wednesday, June 23, 1999. Next meeting is planned to be July 14, 1999 @ Charles Kahn's home, 2911 Benvenue 6:30-8:30 pm.Subcommittees will meet between now and then and bring theuir work in progress to discuss at the next meeting. From that meeting we hope to have a roster of short term solutions to draft and give to Chuck De Liew. Then we can move on to the medium term solutions!

SHORT Term Solutions:

MEDIUM Term Solutions:

LONG Term Solutions:


If you did not attend but want to participate contact the committee members you wish to assist or contact me if you have other commments, responses, questions or arenas you wish to take up.

Wow! Thank you one and all. We're on our way!I can't always do this much but the energy carries the work!


Notes by Marty Barclay, copied into HTML by Jed Donnelley